Daily Habits That Will Help You Crush Your 2024 Goals

Hi friends, and welcome to the first edition of Natalie Belle Blog for the new year! To think that I’ve been blogging since 2020 now that it’s 2024 is crazy. I hope you had a great holiday break and spent quality time with family and friends.

Like quite a few people around the world, you may have a goal or goals you aim to achieve this year. Unfortunately, far too many of us “give up” on our goals or simply forget about them by March. Perhaps this is because people don’t typically consider how they will accomplish said goal, and if they do, external factors such as lack of motivation keep them from persevering.

One of the main keys to achieving goals is consistency. So today, I’m bringing you some simple habits that you can keep this year to give you the mental edge to achieve whatever you set your mind to!


If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know I love journaling for various reasons. It’s a great “brain dump” so you don’t have so many thoughts overwhelming your headspace, helps you keep memories, and have gratitude for every day. Journaling especially helps with goals because you can read about your growth and progress over time to keep you inspired and reflect on your accomplishments. It may take some initiative to start, but once you do, it’ll be hard to stop!

Keep Your Environment Clean

I’m slightly hypocritical for mentioning this one as I’m sitting in my messy room (at least I’m keeping it real), but I find that at least having a tidy area also allows my mind to rest and stay focused. If you take five minutes a day to clean or organize your area, you’ll have a peaceful environment for working on goals in no time!

Spend Time With Others

Even for introverts like myself, community is important in any aspect of life. Find some people that you trust and relate with, and carve out a little bit of time as often as you would like to for connection. You can simply form a positive relationship with them, or even have them as an accountability partner for your goal. Having an accountability partner is very important for tough goals, and the process is more fun if you have someone else to motivate and celebrate you.

Organize Your Time

Time management is crucial to consistency and organization. I recommend buying a planner and setting aside time to invest in your goals so they don’t become forgotten or you don’t “run out of time.” Writing it down makes you more likely to add it to your day instead of just accomplishing your “must-do” tasks. Stick to your schedule and commit some time each day for great outcomes!

Take Care Of & Invest In Yourself

Out of all the habits you could have, self-care is probably the most important! It keeps your mental health in check, which is more valuable than any goal you could achieve. Do things that you love, rest, and nourish yourself. If you feel better, you function better!

Although I don’t have specific goals for the new year yet (I prefer to go by semester instead of calendar year), I’d love to hear your resolutions and goals for 2024! Which of these habits do you think will help you most! Leave it in the comments below!


Natalie B

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